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Junior School

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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

It is estimated nationally that 20% of children have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at some point in their schooling. As a school with strong equal opportunities beliefs, all pupils are welcome here.


Our school Special Educational Needs Disabilities Policy states that one of our aims is “to educate and include pupils with special educational needs and disabilities alongside other pupils in an appropriate class.” The consideration of special needs remains at the centre of the school's planning and development. We have a teaching programme, which is closely monitored, and this ensures that any child with special educational needs is identified. We are then able to assess the amount and type of support that each child needs and provide an appropriate individual support plan. You will be fully consulted if this action happens.


If you have any worries about your child's special needs please come to school to talk with us about them. If you have any worries that your child's special needs are not being catered for by the school please come to talk with us about your concerns. You will be most welcome.


Our School SENDCO is Mrs. Laura Timmins.


Click below to view our SEND policies:

Contact Details and Useful Links
