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Junior School

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Summer Term Dates

Dates for your Diary


Friday 16th June - Fundraiser for Walsall Bereavement Services - non-uniform and cake sale

Monday 19th June - Year 6 Beaudesert week

Thursday 29th June - 9:15 Year 2 Parent meeting

Monday 3rd July - Sports For Champions

Thursday 6th July - Year 3, 4 and 5 reports sent home

Friday 7th July - 1:30pm Summer Fete, parents welcome

Wednesday 12th July - Sports Day 9:30 am Years 5 and 6 1:30pm Years 3 and 4, parents welcome

Friday 14th July - Year 6 reports sent home

Monday 17th July - Year 4 visit to Conkers

Wednesday 19th July - Year 6 Leaver's party, more details to follow

Friday 21st July - 2pm end of term

Monday 24th July - INSET Day

Tuesday 25th July - INSET Day


Monday 4th September - INSET DAY

Tuesday 5th September - INSET DAY

Wednesday 6th September - School opens to children

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