Contact Details
- 01922 721391
Alumwell Junior School,Primley Avenue, Walsall,England, WS2 9UP
Junior School
A message from our Family Support Worker - Carol Holmes
“My name is Carol Holmes and I am the Family Support Worker at Alumwell Junior School. I work with parents in an engaging and supportive way. I can provide lots of information to help and support families and I can be contacted on 07762 835775 or through the school office.
I work with families to address any worries they may have and offer early support. This can include support with your child’s behaviour in school or at home, advice and guidance on a range of issues including housing, benefits and debts as well as be a listening ear.
I can support families with food bank vouchers if you are finding yourself in difficulties, help with completing forms you may have or signpost you to agencies that can help.
I can also support at meetings or appointments you may have."
A message from our Social Mentor and Play Therapist
- Lana Tolley
"My name is Lana Tolley and from September 2021 I have taken up a new role here at Alumwell Junior School as a Social Mentor. This sits within the Inclusion Team that consists of Mrs Timmims Assistant head and SEND Coordinator, Carol Holmes Safeguarding manager and myself.
Some of you may already know me as I have been working in school and have offered a Play Therapy Service for the past six years.
As a Social Mentor the role will consolidate my knowledge and skills as a Play and Creative Arts Counsellor for Children and Young People to support children individually and in groups with their social interactions, emotional needs and behaviours to support them in overcoming any barriers that could impact on their academic progression. With this in mind, you may hear from me, or if you feel this is an area you would like to explore further with your child, please contact the school."
Alumwell Junior School,Primley Avenue, Walsall,England, WS2 9UP