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Class 12 Blog

Welcome to Class 12


Some things to remember in our class.


PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and full kits need to be in school on these days.


Reading books will be expected to be taken home every Friday, but we do encourage reading as often as possible. 

There will be weekly challenges set on TTRS which is good practise for recall of multiplication facts.

Spellings will be set fortnightly.

Science - Separating Mixtures. We explored different methods of separating mixtures to see who could get the cleanest water.

Kensuke's Kingdom

We have read Kensuke's Kingdom and used this as a driver for our writing. We have written narratives based on the story that included descriptions, embedded clauses, fronted adverbials and even dialogue! 

The Wolf Wilder

We are reading The Wolf Wilder by Katherine Rundell. We will write a recount of Rakov's invasion from Feo's perspective and a speech to persuade the villagers to join the rebellion.

History - Bostin' Black Country

Black Country Living Museum

The Giant's Necklace


We have been reading The Giant's Necklace by Michael Morpurgo. We wrote postcards from Cherry and then painted seascapes of the Zennor coastline.


We wrote newspaper articles to explain Cherry's disappearance.

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