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Welcome to our Autumn Term!


We are really looking forward to our new year and hope the children enjoy their time in Year 5 with myself (Mr Jarvis) and Miss Caunt 


We have some fantastic work ahead of us, with some wonderful books to read (Friend or Foe, Letters From The Lighthouse and Ada's Violin) and a great topic of World War 2 which we hope the children will find interesting and informative. We will visit RAF Cosford in September to enhance our learning further.


In Autumn 2 we will be designing and making shelters in our D&T lessons - something that is always exciting to do and the children really enjoy!


Our PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays - please make sure the children have their PE kits in school on those days.


Spellings will be given out every week and our spelling test will be on a Monday. Please practise them.


It is really important for the children to practise their reading at home on a regular basis. Everyone should read at least 3-4 times a week at home (parents please encourage this and try to listen whenever possible) even if it only for 10 minutes each time.


And, children, don't forget to play Times Table Rockstars whenever you can as this will help your maths a lot, as well as helping Class 7 to win our weekly in school tournament. Prizes are on offer for the successful children!

Our visit to RAF Cosford 20th September 2023 - click on the Gallery page for all the photos

We are really lucky and privileged in Class 7 to be visited by Jazzee, one of our school therapy dogs, twice a week. She loves visiting us and seeing the children.

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