Science - Plants
- What are the main parts of a plant?
- What are their functions?
- What do plants need to grow?
- What is the life cycle of a flower?
History - Roman Britain
- Why did The Romans want to invade Britain?
- Why were The Romans able to defeat The Celts so easily?
- What was life like for Roman soldiers on Hadrian's wall?
- Were Roman roads a positive development? Why?
- What was the most significant Roman development?
Geography - Map Skills
- What are the 4 main compass points?
- What is the purpose of a map key?
- What are the significant features on a map of Walsall?
- How does a map of Walsall look different to a map of Rugeley?
Art and Design - Formal Elements of Art
- What is shading?
- What are the 4 rules of shading?
- What are guidelines?
Design and Technology - Eating Seasonally
- What does is mean to eat seasonally?
- Why is it important to eat seasonally?
- What fruits and vegetables are in season during Winter?
- What is a minim and how many beats is it worth?
- What is a crotchet and how many beats is it worth?
- What is a semibreve and how many beats is it worth?
- What is a quaver and how many beats is it worth?
- What word describes the speed of music?
In French, How do I...
- Greet someone?
- Say 'my name is...'?
- Count to 20
- Ask someone how they are?
- Tell someone how I am?
PSHE - Kindness
- What does is mean to be kind?
- When has someone been kind to you?
- How can you show kindness to others?